Some Useful Inequalities in Convex Optimization


1. Properties of smooth convex functions

Let $\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin} \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert#1\right\rVert} \newcommand{\bm}[1]{\boldsymbol#1} f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous and twice differentiable function and $\norm{\cdot}$ denote the Euclidean norm. In the following theorems, we assume $\bm x, \bm y \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and $\alpha \in [0,1]$ are arbitrary.

Theorem 1.
$f$ is convex if and only if one of the following conditions holds:
  1. $f(\alpha \bm x + (1-\alpha) \bm y) \leq \alpha f(\bm x) + (1-\alpha) f(\bm y)$,
  2. $f(\bm y) \geq f(\bm x) + \langle \nabla f(\bm x), \bm y - \bm x \rangle$,
  3. $\langle \nabla f(\bm x) - \nabla f(\bm y), \bm x - \bm y \rangle \geq 0$,
  4. $\bm \nabla^2 f(\bm x) \succeq \boldsymbol{0}$.
Theorem 2.
$f$ has Lipschitz continous gradient with constant $L>0$ if and only if one of the following conditions holds:
  1. $\norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)} \leq L \norm{\bm x - \bm y }$,
  2. $\frac{\alpha(1-\alpha)}{2L} \norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)}^2 \leq \alpha f(\bm x) + (1-\alpha) f(\bm y)-f(\alpha \bm x + (1-\alpha) \bm y) \leq \frac{\alpha(1-\alpha)L}{2} \norm{\bm x - \bm y }^2$,
  3. $\frac{1}{2L} \norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)}^2 \leq$$f(\bm y)-f(\bm x)-\langle \nabla f(\bm x), \bm y - \bm x \rangle \leq \frac{L}{2} \norm{\bm x - \bm y }^2$,
  4. $\frac{1}{L} \norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)}^2 \leq \langle \nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y),\bm x - \bm y \rangle \leq L \norm{\bm x - \bm y }^2$,
  5. $\bm \nabla^2 f(\bm x) \preceq L \bm I_n$.
Theorem 3.
$f$ is strongly convex with constant $\mu>0$ if and only if one of the following conditions holds:
  1. $\norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)} \geq \mu \norm{\bm x - \bm y }$,
  2. $\frac{\alpha(1-\alpha)\mu}{2} \norm{\bm x - \bm y }^2 \leq \alpha f(\bm x) + (1-\alpha) f(\bm y)-f(\alpha \bm x + (1-\alpha) \bm y) \leq \frac{\alpha(1-\alpha)}{2\mu} \norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)}^2$,
  3. $\frac{\mu}{2} \norm{\bm x - \bm y }^2 \leq f(\bm y)-f(\bm x)-\langle \nabla f(\bm x), \bm y - \bm x \rangle$$\leq \frac{1}{2\mu} \norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)}^2$,
  4. $\mu \norm{\bm x - \bm y }^2 \leq \langle \nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y),\bm x - \bm y \rangle \leq \frac{1}{\mu} \norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)}^2$,
  5. $\bm \nabla^2 f(\bm x) \succeq \mu \bm I_n$.
Theorem 4.
Any $L$-smooth and $\mu$-strongly convex function $f$ (with $L > \mu$) satisfies:
\begin{align} \langle \nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y),\bm x - \bm y \rangle \geq \frac{\mu L}{L+\mu} \norm{\bm x - \bm y }^2+\frac{1}{L+\mu}\norm{\nabla f(\bm x)-\nabla f(\bm y)}^2. \end{align}

Proofs of the above theorems can be found in [1], Chapter 2. In the following section, we shall look at a simple application of some particular inequalities to the convergence gradient descent.

2. Convergence of gradient descent (GD)

We consider a fixed step size gradient descent method to minimize a smooth convex function $f$. At $k$-th iteration, the GD update is given by:

\[\bm x^k = \bm x^{k-1} - \frac{1}{L} \nabla f (\bm x^{k-1}) .\]

For notational simplicity, denote $f^k=f(\bm x^k)$, $\nabla f^k=\nabla f(\bm x^k)$. Then by the smoothness of $f$ at $\bm x^k$, we obtain a descent guarantee of GD:

\begin{align} f^k &\leq f^{k-1} + \langle \nabla f^{k-1}, \bm x^k- \bm x^{k-1} \rangle + \frac{L}{2} \norm{\bm x^k- \bm x^{k-1}}^2 \\
&= f^{k-1} - \langle \nabla f^{k-1}, \frac{1}{L} \nabla f^{k-1} \rangle + \frac{L}{2} \norm{\frac{1}{L} \nabla f^{k-1}}^2 \\
&= f^{k-1} - \frac{1}{2L} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 . \tag{1} \label{descent} \end{align}

Rearranging terms in (\ref{descent}) yields

\[\norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 \leq 2L(f^{k-1} - f^k) .\]

Summing over all $k=1,\ldots,K$ (telescoping), we have

\[\sum_{k=1}^K \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 \leq 2L(f^0 - f^K) \leq 2L(f^0 - f^\star) .\]

where $f^\star = \min_{\bm x \in \mathbb{R}^n} f(\bm x)$. It can be seen that $\lim_{k \to \infty} \norm{\nabla f^{k}} = 0$. Thus, GD converges to a first-order stationary point of $f$. Notice that the above analysis holds for any smooth functions and does not require convexity. After $K$ iterations, the minimum norm of the gradient is bounded by

\[\min_{k=1,\ldots,K} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}} \leq \sqrt{\frac{2L(f^0 - f^\star)}{K}} .\]

In other words, GD takes at most $O(1/\epsilon^2)$ iterations to reach shrink $\norm{\nabla f(\bm x)}$ to $\epsilon$. Now if we use the convexity of $f$, it must be the case that GD converges to a global minimizer of $\bm x^\star$ of $f$, i.e., $f(\bm x^\star) = f^\star$. If we think of the convexity as a special case of the strong convexity with $\mu=0$, then applying Theorem 3-3 to the first term on the RHS of (\ref{descent}) yields

\begin{align} f^k &\leq \biggl( f^{\star} - \langle \nabla f^{k-1}, \bm x^{\star}- \bm x^{k-1} \rangle - \frac{\mu}{2} \norm{\bm x^{\star} - \bm x^{k-1}}^2 \biggr) - \frac{1}{2L} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 \\
&= f^{\star} + \langle \nabla f^{k-1}, \bm x^{k-1}- \bm x^{\star} \rangle - \frac{1}{2L} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 - \frac{\mu}{2} \norm{\bm x^{\star}- \bm x^{k-1}}^2 \\
&= f^{\star} + \frac{L}{2} \bigg( \norm{\bm x^{k-1}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 - \norm{\bm x^{k-1}- \bm x^{\star}-\frac{1}{L}\nabla f^{k-1} }^2 \bigg) - \frac{\mu}{2} \norm{\bm x^{k-1}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 \\
&= f^{\star} + \frac{L}{2} \bigg( \norm{\bm x^{k-1}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 - \norm{\bm x^{k}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 \bigg) - \frac{\mu}{2} \norm{\bm x^{k-1}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 . \end{align}

Thus, we can bound the distance on the function side by:

\[f^k-f^{\star} \leq \frac{L}{2} \bigg( \Big( 1-\frac{\mu}{L} \Big) \norm{\bm x^{k-1}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 - \norm{\bm x^{k}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 \bigg) . \tag{2} \label{bound_f}\]
  1. If $\mu=0$, then (\ref{bound_f}) is equivalent to $f^k-f^{\star} \leq \frac{L}{2} \Bigl( \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^{\star}}^2 - \norm{\bm x^{k}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 \Bigr)$. Summing over all $k=1,\ldots,K$ yields \begin{align} f^K - f^{\star} \leq \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^K \bigl(f^k - f^{\star}\bigr) \leq \frac{L}{2K} \norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}}^2 . \end{align} Thus, GD takes at most $O(1/\epsilon)$ iterations to reach an $\epsilon$-optimal value, i.e., $f(\bm x)-f^\star \leq \epsilon$. This convergence is known as sublinear.

  2. If $\mu>0$, $\bm x^\star$ is unique. Then (\ref{bound_f}) implies $\big( 1-\frac{\mu}{L} \big) \norm{\bm x^{k-1}- \bm x^{\star}}^2 - \norm{\bm x^k- \bm x^{\star}}^2 \geq 0$. A simple recursion can lead to an exponential bound \begin{align} \norm{\bm x^k- \bm x^{\star}} \leq \Bigl( 1-\frac{\mu}{L} \Bigr)^{k/2} \norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}} . \tag{3} \label{domain_side} \end{align} After $K$ iterations, in order to reach $\norm{\bm x^K- \bm x^{\star}} \leq \epsilon$, it is sufficient to have \begin{align} \Bigl( 1-\frac{\mu}{L} \Bigr)^{K/2} \norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}} \leq \epsilon \qquad \Leftrightarrow \qquad K \geq \frac{2\log(\norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}}/\epsilon)}{\log(1/(1-\mu/L))} . \end{align} Thus, GD takes at most $O(\log(1/\epsilon))$ to reach an $\epsilon$-optimal solution. This convergence is known as linear, which is a lot faster than the sublinear convergence in the former case without strong convexity. Since $\log(1/(1-\mu/L)) \approx \mu/L$ when the condition number $\kappa = L/\mu$ is large, a good estimation of the number of iterations is often obtained by $K \approx 2\kappa \log(\norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}}/\epsilon)$.

Let us now carefully examine the second case where linear convergence is obtained. If we try to bound the error on the function side instead of the domain side, a similar bound can be obtained by applying inequalities 3 in Theorem 3 to (\ref{descent}): \begin{align} f^{k-1}-f^k &\geq \frac{1}{2L} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 = \frac{1}{2L} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1} - \nabla f^\star}^2 \\
&\geq \frac{1}{2L} 2\mu \Bigl( f^{k-1} - f^\star - \langle \nabla f^\star , \bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star \rangle \Bigr) = \frac{\mu}{L} (f^{k-1}-f^{\star}) , \end{align} where we use the optimality condition $\nabla f^\star = \bm 0$. Rearranging terms and performing a simple recursion yields \begin{align} f^k-f^{\star} &\leq \Bigl(1-\frac{\mu}{L}\Bigr)^k (f^0-f^{\star}) . \tag{4} \label{obj_side} \end{align} Notice the difference between the bounds on the domain side (\ref{domain_side}) and on the function side (\ref{obj_side}). While on the domain side the rate of convergence is $\sqrt{1-\mu/L}$, its counterpart on the function side is $1-\mu/L$. The order of $2$ stems from the fact that we are bounding the objective function by quadratics. Until here, the bound in (\ref{obj_side}) can be found in most notes on convergence of gradient descent. But can we do better? Indeed, we can derive a tighter bound on GD with step size $1/L$ as follows.

Theorem 5. GD with fixed step size $1/L$ generates a sequence $\{ \bm x^k \}$ satisfies

\begin{align} \norm{\bm x^k - \bm x^\star} \leq \Bigl( 1 - \frac{2\mu}{L+\mu} \Bigr)^{k/2} \norm{\bm x^0 - \bm x^\star}, \qquad f^k - f^\star < \frac{L \norm{\bm x^0 - \bm x^\star}^2}{2(f^0-f^\star)} \Bigl( 1 - \frac{2\mu}{L+\mu} \Bigr)^k (f^0 - f^\star) . \end{align}

Proof. We follows the proof of Theorem 2.1.15 in [1]: \begin{align} \norm{\bm x^k - \bm x^\star}^2 &= \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star - \frac{1}{L} \nabla f^{k-1}}^2 = \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star}^2 - 2 \langle \bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star , \frac{1}{L} \nabla f^{k-1} \rangle + \norm{\frac{1}{L} \nabla f^{k-1}}^2 \\
&= \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star}^2 - \frac{2}{L} \langle \bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star , \nabla f^{k-1} - \nabla f^\star \rangle + \frac{1}{L^2} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 \\
&\leq \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star}^2 - \frac{2}{L} \biggl( \frac{\mu L}{L+\mu} \norm{\bm x^k - \bm x^\star}^2 + \frac{1}{L+\mu} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1} - \nabla f^\star}^2 \biggr) + \frac{1}{L^2} \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 \\
&= \Bigl( 1 - \frac{2\mu}{L+\mu} \Bigr) \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star}^2 - \frac{1}{L} \Bigl( \frac{2}{L+\mu} - \frac{1}{L} \Bigr) \norm{\nabla f^{k-1}}^2 \\
&\leq \Bigl( 1 - \frac{2\mu}{L+\mu} \Bigr) \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star}^2 , \end{align} where in the first inequality we utilize Theorem 4. The proof for the function side follows from the fact that $f^k - f^\star \leq \frac{L}{2} \norm{\bm x^{k} - \bm x^\star}^2$. Note that the convergence rate on the domain side is $\sqrt{1 - \frac{2\mu}{L+\mu}}$.

Remark 1.

  • It is possible to show that the convergence rate on the domain side is $1-\mu/L$. The following is the tightest result I know for GD with fixed step size $1/L$, proved by Polyak [2]: \begin{align} &\norm{\bm x^k- \bm x^{\star}} \leq \Bigl(1-\frac{\mu}{L}\Bigr)^{k} \norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}}, \ & f^k-f^{\star} \leq \frac{L}{2} \Bigl(1-\frac{\mu}{L}\Bigr)^{2k} \norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}}^2 . \tag{5} \label{tight} \end{align}
  • Following the same process as in Theorem 5, a larger step size $\eta=\frac{2}{L+\mu}$ results in the optimal rate of convergence for fixed step size GD:
    \begin{align} &\norm{\bm x^k- \bm x^{\star}} \leq \Bigl(1-\frac{2\mu}{L+\mu}\Bigr)^k \norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}}, \ &f^k-f^{\star} \leq \frac{L}{2} \Bigl(1-\frac{2\mu}{L+\mu}\Bigr)^{2k} \norm{\bm x^0- \bm x^{\star}}^2 . \end{align}
  • The following inequality intuitively describes the improvement in the rate of convergence (on the function side) we have seen in this section: \begin{align} 1 - \frac{\mu}{L} > 1 - \frac{2\mu}{L+\mu} > \Bigl(1 - \frac{\mu}{L}\Bigr)^2 > \Bigl(1 - \frac{2\mu}{L+\mu}\Bigr)^2 . \end{align}

3. Proof of the tight bound in (\ref{tight})

By Newton-Leibniz formula, $f$ is twice differentiable implies

\[\nabla f(\bm x^k) = \nabla f(\bm x^\star) + \int_0^1 \nabla^2 f\bigl(\bm x^\star + \tau (\bm x^k - \bm x^\star)\bigr) (x^k - \bm x^\star) d\tau = \bm A_k (\bm x^k - \bm x^\star) ,\]

for some symmetric $\bm A_k \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ whose eigenvalues lie between $\mu$ and $L$. Therefore, we have

\[\bm x^k - \bm x^\star = \bm x^{k-1} - \frac{1}{L} \nabla f (\bm x^{k-1}) - \bm x^\star = \bm x^{k-1} - \bm A_{k-1} (\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star) - x^\star = (\bm I_n - \frac{1}{L} \bm A_{k-1}) (\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star) .\]

Taking the norm and using the definition of matrix norms induced by vector norms, we obtain

\[\norm{\bm x^k - \bm x^\star} \leq \norm{\bm I_n - \frac{1}{L} \bm A_{k-1}}_2 \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star} \leq \Bigl(1-\frac{\mu}{L}\Bigr) \norm{\bm x^{k-1} - \bm x^\star} ,\]

where the last inequality stems from all eigenvalues of $\bm I_n - \frac{1}{L} \bm A_{k-1}$ are of the form $1-\lambda/L$, with $\mu \leq \lambda \leq L$ being some eigenvalue of $\bm A_{k-1}$.


  1. Y. Nesterov, Introductory lectures on convex optimization: a basic course, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
  2. B. Polyak, Introduction to Optimization. Optimization Software. In Inc., Publications Division, New York (Vol. 1), 1987.