Convergence of Heavy-Ball Method and Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient on Quadratic Optimization


We consider the following quadratic optimization problem:

\[\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin} \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert#1\right\rVert} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left\lvert#1\right\rvert} \newcommand{\bm}[1]{\boldsymbol#1} \min_{\bm x \in \mathbb{R}^n} f(\bm x) = \frac{1}{2} \bm x^T \bm A \bm x - \bm b^T \bm x + c , \tag{1} \label{equ:Abc}\]

where $\bm A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ is a positive semi-definite matrix with eigenvalues $L = \lambda_1 \geq \ldots \geq \lambda_n = \mu > 0$. The quadratic model is a simple but powerful enough in studying local convergence of optimization algorithms. As you can see in the sequel, this nice model allows us to extract the closed-form expression of the convergence rate through basic elementary algebra. Yet before moving to the algorithms, let us make a further simplification of (\ref{equ:Abc}) by a change of variables: $\tilde{\bm x} = \bm U^T (\bm x - \bm x^\star)$, where $\bm x^\star$ is the unique minimum of the problem and $\bm U$ is the orthogonal basis in the eigenvalue decomposition of $\bm A$, i.e., $\bm A = \bm U \text{diag}(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_n) \bm U^T$. Thus we have an alternative minimization

\[\min_{\bm x \in \mathbb{R}^n} f(\bm x) = \frac{1}{2} \bm x^T \bm \Lambda \bm x \tag{2} \label{equ:standard} ,\]

with $\bm \Lambda = \text{diag}(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_n)$. The gradient and Hessian of the objective function are given by

\[\nabla f(\bm x) = \bm \Lambda \bm x , \qquad \nabla^2 f(\bm x) = \bm \Lambda .\]

Furthermore, we denote $\kappa=\frac{L}{\mu} \geq 1$ the condition number of the objective function. Intuitively, the higher $\kappa$ is, the harder it is to optimize $f$. When $\kappa$ approaches $\infty$, problem (\ref{equ:standard}) is said to be ill-conditioned. Our goal in this note is to explain Proposition 1 in [3], given by the following table:

Worst-case rates for different algorithms when applied to a class of convex quadratic functions.
MethodParameter choiceConvergence rateIteration complexity
Gradient descent (GD)$\alpha=\frac{2}{L+\mu}$$\rho=\frac{\kappa-1}{\kappa+1}$$O(\kappa \log \frac{1}{\epsilon})$
Heavy-Ball (HB)$\alpha=\biggl(\frac{2}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}}\biggr)^2, \beta=\biggl( \frac{\sqrt{\kappa}-1}{\sqrt{\kappa}+1} \biggr)^2$$\rho=\frac{\sqrt{\kappa}-1}{\sqrt{\kappa}+1}$$O(\sqrt{\kappa} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon})$
Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient (NAG)$\alpha=\frac{4}{3L+\mu}, \beta=\frac{\sqrt{3\kappa+1}-2}{\sqrt{3\kappa+1}+2}$$\rho=1-\frac{2}{\sqrt{3\kappa+1}}$$O(\sqrt{\kappa} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon})$

Note that here we restrict our attention to the case with constant step sizes. Without further due let us get to the algorithmic part.

1. Gradient Descent

To warm-up, we consider the update of gradient descent:

\[\bm x^{(k+1)} = \bm x^{(k)} - \alpha \nabla f(\bm x^{(k)}) \qquad \text{ for some constant } \alpha>0 .\]

Substituting the gradient of $f$ and taking the Euclidean norm, we have

\begin{align} \norm{\bm x^{(k+1)}} &= \norm{\bm x^{(k)} - \alpha \bm \Lambda \bm x^{(k)}} = \norm{(\bm I_n - \alpha \bm \Lambda) \bm x^{(k)}} \\
&\leq \norm{\bm I_n - \alpha \bm \Lambda}_2 \norm{\bm x^{(k)}} = \max_j \abs{1-\alpha \lambda_j} \norm{\bm x^{(k)}} \\
&= \max \Bigl\{ \abs{1-\alpha \mu}, \abs{1-\alpha L} \Bigr\} \norm{\bm x^{(k)}} . \end{align}

where the last equality stems from fact that $\abs{1-\alpha \lambda}$ is a continuous and convex function of $\lambda$. Now let $\rho_\alpha = \max \Bigl\{ \abs{1-\alpha \mu}, \abs{1-\alpha L} \Bigr\}$, we rewrite the recursion as

\[\norm{\bm x^{(k)}} \leq \rho_\alpha^k \norm{\bm x^{(0)}} . \tag{3} \label{equ:GD}\]

The inequality (\ref{equ:GD}) shows that GD converges linearly (or geometrically) to the optimal solution $\bm x^\star = \bm 0$ at rate $\rho_\alpha$. In order to converge, we need $\rho_\alpha < 1$. This is equivalent to having \begin{align} 0 < \alpha < \frac{2}{L} . \end{align} The optimal step size is chosen by solving \begin{align} \alpha_{opt} = \argmin_{0 < \alpha < \frac{2}{L}} \max \Bigl\{ \abs{1-\alpha \mu}, \abs{1-\alpha L} \Bigr\} . \end{align} Although it can be observed that the solution happens at which the two quantities are equal, solving this minimization is non-trivial. First, it is noticeable that \begin{align} \abs{1-\alpha \mu} < \abs{1-\alpha L} \Leftrightarrow \alpha > \frac{2}{L+\mu} . \end{align} Thus, we consider two cases:

  1. If $0 < \alpha \leq \frac{2}{L+\mu}$, then \begin{align} \max \Bigl\{ \abs{1-\alpha \mu}, \abs{1-\alpha L} \Bigr\} = 1-\alpha \mu \geq 1-\frac{2\mu}{L+\mu} = \frac{L-\mu}{L+\mu} . \end{align} The optimal step size in this case is $\frac{2}{L+\mu}$. Compared with the popular but suboptimal choice of step size we see in the literature $\alpha = \frac{1}{L}$, this step size is twice as large.

  2. Otherwise, if $\frac{2}{L+\mu} < \alpha < \frac{2}{L}$, then \begin{align} \max \Bigl\{ \abs{1-\alpha \mu}, \abs{1-\alpha L} \Bigr\} = \alpha L - 1 > \frac{2L}{L+\mu} - 1 = \frac{L-\mu}{L+\mu} . \end{align}

In summary, we have $\alpha_{opt}=\frac{2}{L+\mu}$ and $\rho_{opt}=\frac{\kappa-1}{\kappa+1}$. At this optimal step size, the number of iterations to reach (relative) $\epsilon$-accuracy, i.e., $\frac{\norm{\bm x^{(k)}}}{\norm{\bm x^{(0)}}} < \epsilon \ll 1$, satisfies \begin{align} \rho_{opt}^k < \epsilon \Rightarrow k > \frac{\log 1/\epsilon}{\log \bigl(1 - \frac{2}{\kappa+1} \bigr)} \approx \frac{\kappa+1}{2} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon} . \end{align} In other words, the iteration complexity of GD with optimal step size is $O(\kappa \log \frac{1}{\epsilon})$.

2. Heavy-Ball Method

The Heavy-Ball method adds a second term from the previous iterate to the update equation of gradient descent:

\[\bm x^{(k+1)} = \bm x^{(k)} - \alpha \nabla f(\bm x^{(k)}) + \beta (\bm x^{(k)} - \bm x^{(k-1)}) \qquad \text{ for some constants } \alpha>0, \beta\geq 0 .\]

On a standard quadratic, the update can be further simplified as

\[\bm x^{(k+1)} = \bm x^{(k)} - \alpha \bm \Lambda \bm x^{(k)} + \beta (\bm x^{(k)} - \bm x^{(k-1)}) = \bigl( (1+\beta) \bm I_n - \alpha \bm \Lambda \bigr) \bm x^{(k)} - \beta \bm x^{(k-1)} .\]

Stacking the current iterate and the previous one and taking the norm yield \begin{align} \begin{bmatrix} \bm x^{(k+1)} \\\ \bm x^{(k)} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} (1+\beta)\bm I_n - \alpha \bm \Lambda & -\beta \\\ \bm 0 & \bm I_n \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \bm x^{(k)} \\\ \bm x^{(k-1)} \end{bmatrix} . \end{align} Denote $\bm y^{(k)} = \begin{bmatrix} \bm x^{(k+1)} \\\ \bm x^{(k)} \end{bmatrix}$ and $\bm T = \begin{bmatrix} (1+\beta)\bm I_n - \alpha \bm \Lambda & -\beta \\\ \bm 0 & \bm I_n \end{bmatrix}$, we derive the exponential decrease in the norm of $\bm y$:

\[\norm{\bm y^{(k)}} = \norm{\bm T \bm y^{(k-1)}} = \norm{\bm T^k \bm y^{(0)}} \leq \norm{\bm T^k}_2 \norm{\bm y^{(0)}} \leq \bigl(\rho(\bm T) + o(1) \bigr)^k \norm{\bm y^{(0)}} , \tag{4} \label{equ:HB}\]

where $\rho(\bm T)$ is the spectral radius of $\bm T$ and the last inequality uses Gelfand’s formula. Thus, in order to determine the convergence rate, we will need to find the eigenvalues of $\bm T$ and determine their maximum absolute value. By carefully looking at its special structure, one can show that $\bm T$ is permutation-similar to a block diagonal matrix: \begin{align} \bm T \sim \begin{bmatrix} \bm T_1 & \bm 0 & \ldots & \bm 0 \\\ \bm 0 & \bm T_2 & \ldots & \bm 0 \\\ \vdots & & \ldots & \vdots \\\ \bm 0 & \bm 0 & \ldots & \bm T_n \end{bmatrix} \quad \text{where} \quad \bm T_j = \begin{bmatrix} 1+\beta-\alpha \lambda_j & -\beta \\\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \text{ for } j=1,2,\ldots,n . \end{align} Hence, the eigenvalues of $\bm T$ are the union of the eigenvalues of $\bm T_j$. For each $j$, the eigenvalues of $\bm T_j$ are the two roots of the equation

\[r^2 - (1+\beta - \alpha \lambda_j) r + \beta = 0 \quad \text{with} \quad \Delta_j = (1+\beta - \alpha \lambda_j)^2 - 4\beta .\]

Therefore, we can bound the convergence rate by \begin{align} \rho_{\alpha,\beta} \approx \rho(\bm T) = \max_j r_j = \max {r_1, r_n}, \quad \text{where } r_j = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( \abs{1+\beta-\alpha \lambda_j} + \sqrt{\Delta_j} \Bigr) & \text{if } \Delta_j > 0, \\\ \sqrt{\beta} & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \end{align} Here we can think of $r$ as a continuous and quasiconvex function of $\lambda$. The choice of step sizes must satisfy $\rho_{\alpha,\beta} < 1$, or equivalently, \begin{align} \begin{cases} 0 \leq \beta < 1, \\\ 0 < \alpha < \frac{2(1+\beta)}{L} . \tag{5} \label{equ:HB_range} \end{cases} \end{align} The optimal step size is chosen by minimizing $\rho_{\alpha,\beta}$ over the aforementioned range. This optimization is more complicated than the one with GD. By observing that \begin{align} \Delta_j \leq 0 \Leftrightarrow \beta \geq \bigl(1-\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}\bigr)^2 \quad \text{and} \quad \abs{1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu}} < \abs{1-\sqrt{\alpha L}} \Leftrightarrow \alpha > \biggl( \frac{2}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} \biggr)^2 , \end{align} we can break it into $4$ cases:

  1. If $0 < \alpha \leq \Bigl( \frac{2}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} \Bigr)^2$ and $\beta \geq (1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu})^2$, then \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} = \sqrt{\beta} \geq 1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu} \geq 1 - \frac{2\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} = \frac{\sqrt{L}-\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} . \end{align} In this case, the equality holds at the boundary.

  2. If $0 < \alpha \leq \Bigl( \frac{2}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} \Bigr)^2$ and $\beta < (1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu})^2$, then \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} \geq r_n(\alpha,\beta) = \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( 1+\beta-\alpha \mu + \sqrt{(1+\beta - \alpha \mu)^2 - 4\beta} \Bigr) . \end{align} It can be verified that $r_n(\alpha,\beta)$ is a decreasing function of $\beta$. Hence, \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} > r_n\bigl(\alpha,(1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu})^2\bigr) = 1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu} \geq \frac{\sqrt{L}-\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} . \end{align}

  3. If $\alpha > \Bigl( \frac{2}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} \Bigr)^2$ and $\beta \geq (\sqrt{\alpha L}-1)^2$, then \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} = \sqrt{\beta} \geq \sqrt{\alpha L}-1 > \frac{2\sqrt{L}}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}}-1 = \frac{\sqrt{L}-\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} . \end{align}

  4. If $\alpha > \Bigl( \frac{2}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} \Bigr)^2$ and $\beta < (\sqrt{\alpha L}-1)^2$, then \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} \geq r_1(\alpha,\beta) = \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( -1-\beta+\alpha \mu + \sqrt{(1+\beta - \alpha \mu)^2 - 4\beta} \Bigr) . \end{align} Similarly, $r_1(\alpha,\beta)$ is a decreasing function of $\beta$ and \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} > r_1\bigl(\alpha,(\sqrt{\alpha L}-1)^2\bigr) = \sqrt{\alpha L}-1 \geq \frac{\sqrt{L}-\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} . \end{align}

In summary, we have

\[\alpha_{opt}=\biggl( \frac{2}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}} \biggr)^2, \quad \beta_{opt} = \biggl( \frac{\sqrt{\kappa}-1}{\sqrt{\kappa}+1} \biggr)^2 \quad \text{and} \quad \rho_{opt}=\frac{\sqrt{\kappa}-1}{\sqrt{\kappa}+1} . \tag{6} \label{equ:HB_optimal}\]

With this optimal choice, the number of iterations to reach (relative) $\epsilon$-accuracy satisfies \begin{align} \rho_{opt}^k < \epsilon \Rightarrow k > \frac{\log 1/\epsilon}{\log \bigl(1 - \frac{2}{\sqrt{\kappa}+1} \bigr)} \approx \frac{\sqrt{\kappa}+1}{2} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon} . \end{align} In other words, the iteration complexity of HB with optimal step size is $O(\sqrt{\kappa} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon})$.

3. Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient

The HB update can be rewritten as

\[\begin{cases} \bm y^{(k+1)} = \bm x^{(k)} - \alpha \nabla f(\bm x^{(k)}) , \\ \bm x^{(k+1)} = \bm y^{(k+1)} + \beta (\bm x^{(k)} - \bm x^{(k-1)}) \end{cases} .\]

While Polyak’s method evaluates the gradient before adding momentum, Nesterov suggested the other way around: evaluates the gradient after applying momentum

\[\begin{cases} \bm y^{(k+1)} = \bm x^{(k)} - \alpha \nabla f(\bm x^{(k)}) , \\ \bm x^{(k+1)} = \bm y^{(k+1)} + \beta (\bm y^{(k)} - \bm y^{(k-1)}) \end{cases} .\]

This simple change produces a movement through the “lookahead” gradient that potentially corrects for future oscillations. The Nesterov’s accelerated gradient update can be represented in one line as

\[\bm x^{(k+1)} = \bm x^{(k)} + \beta (\bm x^{(k)} - \bm x^{(k-1)}) - \alpha \nabla f \bigl( \bm x^{(k)} + \beta (\bm x^{(k)} - \bm x^{(k-1)}) \bigr) .\]

Substituting the gradient of $f$ in quadratic case yields

\begin{align} \bm x^{(k+1)} &= \bm x^{(k)} + \beta (\bm x^{(k)} - \bm x^{(k-1)}) - \alpha \bm \Lambda \bigl( \bm x^{(k)} + \beta (\bm x^{(k)} - \bm x^{(k-1)}) \bigr) \\
&= (1+\beta) (\bm I_n - \alpha \bm \Lambda) \bm x^{(k)} - \beta (\bm I_n - \alpha \bm \Lambda) \bm x^{(k-1)} . \end{align}

Now one could attempt to derive a similar expression to (\ref{equ:HB}), but there is a better way to tackle the problem that gets rid of the $o(1)$ term in the convergence rate. By breaking the recursion into each dimension, we obtain the corresponding second order linear difference equation

\[x_j^{(k+1)} - (1+\beta)(1-\alpha \lambda_j) x_j^{(k)} + \beta (1-\alpha \lambda_j) x_j^{(k-1)} = 0 .\]

Solving the characteristic equation

\[r^2 - (1+\beta)(1-\alpha \lambda_j) r + \beta (1-\alpha \lambda_j) = 0 , \quad \text{with} \quad \Delta_j = (1+\beta)^2 (1-\alpha \lambda_j)^2 - 4 \beta (1-\alpha \lambda_j) ,\]

yields three cases:

  1. If $\Delta_j = 0$, then there are two repeated real roots $r_{12} = \frac{1}{2} (1+\beta)(1-\alpha \lambda_j)$ and \begin{align} x_j^{(k)} = (C_1 + C_2 k) r_{12}^k \quad \text{for some constants } C_1, C_2 \text{ depend on the initial point} . \end{align}

  2. If $\Delta_j > 0$, then there are two distinct real roots $r_{12} = \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( (1+\beta)(1-\alpha \lambda_j) \pm \sqrt{\Delta_j} \Bigr)$ and \begin{align} x_j^{(k)} = C_1 r_{1}^k + C_2 r_{2}^k \quad \text{for some constants } C_1, C_2 \text{ depend on the initial point}. \end{align}

  3. If $\Delta_j < 0$, then there are two conjugate complex roots satisfying $\abs{r_{12}} = \sqrt{\beta (1-\alpha \lambda_j)}$ and \begin{align} x_j^{(k)} = \Bigl( \sqrt{\beta (1-\alpha \lambda_j)} \Bigr)^k \bigl( C_1 \cos(\theta k) + C_2 \sin(\theta k) \bigr) , \end{align} for $\cos \theta = \frac{1+\beta}{2} \sqrt{\frac{1-\alpha \lambda_j}{\beta}}$ and some constants $C_1$, $C_2$ depend on the initial point.

In all cases, we can bound the convergence rate by \begin{align} \rho_{\alpha,\beta} = \rho(\bm T) = \max_j r_j = \max {r_1, r_n}, \quad \text{where } r_j = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( (1+\beta)\abs{1-\alpha \lambda_j} + \sqrt{\Delta_j} \Bigr) & \text{if } \Delta_j > 0, \\\ \sqrt{\beta \abs{1-\alpha \lambda_j}} & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \end{align} In order to converge, we need \begin{align} \rho_{\alpha,\beta} < 1 \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \beta>0 \text{ and } \max \Bigl\{ 0, \frac{\beta-1}{\mu \beta} \Bigr\} < \alpha < \frac{2(\beta+1)}{L(2\beta+1)} . \tag{7} \label{equ:NAG_range} \end{align}

Choosing the optimal step size in this range can be proceeded as follows. Let us first rewrite $\Delta_j$ as

\[\Delta_j = (1-\alpha \lambda)^2 \biggl( \beta - \frac{1-\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}}{1+\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}} \biggr) \biggl( \beta - \frac{1+\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}}{1-\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}} \biggr) .\]

Thus, if $\alpha \lambda_j > 1$, $r_j=\frac{1}{2} \Bigl( (1+\beta)(\alpha \lambda_j-1) + \sqrt{\Delta_j} \Bigr)$ is an increasing function of $\beta$. Otherwise, $r_j(\beta)$ is decreasing in the interval $0<\beta<\frac{1-\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}}{1+\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}}$ and increasing in the interval $\beta>\frac{1-\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}}{1+\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}}$, with the minimum at $r_j\Bigl(\frac{1-\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}}{1+\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}}\Bigr) = 1-\sqrt{\alpha \lambda_j}$. Thus, we can break it into $3$ cases:

  1. If $\alpha \leq \frac{1}{L}$, then \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} \geq r_n \geq r_n \biggl( \frac{1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}{1+\sqrt{\alpha \mu}} \biggr) = 1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu} \geq 1-\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{L}} . \end{align} In this case, the equality holds at $\alpha = \frac{1}{L}$ and $\beta=\frac{\sqrt{L}-\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{L}+\sqrt{\mu}}$. However, the rate $\rho = 1-\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{L}}$ is suboptimal.

  2. If $\frac{1}{L} < \alpha \leq \frac{1}{\mu}$, then
    1. If $\frac{1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}{1+\sqrt{\alpha \mu}} \leq \beta \leq \frac{1+\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}{1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}$, we have \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} = \max \biggl\{ \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( (1+\beta)(\alpha L-1) + \sqrt{\Delta_1} \Bigr) , \sqrt{\beta(1-\alpha \mu)} \biggr\} . \end{align} Notice that both terms inside $\max$ are increasing function of $\beta$. However, the former term is an increasing function of $\alpha$ while the later is a decreasing function of $\alpha$. Thus, minimizing over $\alpha$ and $\beta$ in the aforementioned range yields the solution where the two terms are equal and $\beta$ is at its minimum value, i.e., \begin{align} \beta=\frac{1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}{1+\sqrt{\alpha \mu}} \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( (1+\beta)(\alpha L-1) + \sqrt{\Delta_1} \Bigr) = \sqrt{\beta(1-\alpha \mu)} . \end{align} Solving this yields $\alpha = \frac{4}{3L+\mu}$ and $\beta=\frac{\sqrt{3L+\mu}-2\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{3L+\mu}+2\sqrt{\mu}}$, with the optimal rate \begin{align} \rho = 1-\frac{2\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{3L+\mu}} \leq 1-\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{L}} . \end{align}
    2. If $\beta < \frac{1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}{1+\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}$, we have \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} = \max \biggl\{ \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( (1+\beta)(\alpha L-1) + \sqrt{\Delta_1} \Bigr) , \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( (1+\beta)(1-\alpha \mu) + \sqrt{\Delta_n} \Bigr) \biggr\} . \end{align} We need to show that the maximum is always greater than $1-\frac{2\sqrt{\mu}}{\sqrt{3L+\mu}}$, which is not straightforward to me though!
    3. The case $\beta > \frac{1+\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}{1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}$ does not converge since \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} \geq \sqrt{\beta (1-\alpha \mu)} > \frac{1+\sqrt{\alpha \mu}}{1-\sqrt{\alpha \mu}} (1-\alpha \mu) > 1 . \end{align}
  3. If $\alpha > \frac{1}{\mu}$, then \begin{align} \max \{ r_1, r_n \} = r_1 = \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( (1+\beta)(\alpha L-1) + \sqrt{\Delta_1} \Bigr) \geq \alpha L - 1 > \frac{L}{\mu} - 1 \geq 1-\frac{\mu}{L} \geq 1-\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{L}} . \end{align}

To conclude, the optimal choice of step sizes is given by

\[\alpha_{opt}=\frac{4}{3L+\mu}, \quad \beta_{opt}=\frac{\sqrt{3\kappa+1}-2}{\sqrt{3\kappa+1}+2}, \quad \rho_{opt}=1-\frac{2}{\sqrt{3\kappa+1}} . \tag{8} \label{equ:NAG_optimal}\]

With this optimal choice, the number of iterations to reach (relative) $\epsilon$-accuracy satisfies \begin{align} \rho_{opt}^k < \epsilon \Rightarrow k > \frac{\log 1/\epsilon}{\log \bigl( 1-\frac{2}{\sqrt{3\kappa+1}} \bigr)} \approx \frac{\sqrt{3\kappa+1}}{2} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon} . \end{align} The iteration complexity of NAG with optimal step size is the same as HB - $O(\sqrt{\kappa} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon})$.

As a final note, HB generally does not converge when the objective is non-quadratic, strongly convex and smooth. On the other hand, NAG can be guaranteed to converge as long as the step sizes are chosen properly (see [2]). In the next note, we will study the proof of convergence of NAG on non-quadratic case.


  1. B. T. Polyak, Some methods of speeding up the convergence of iteration methods. USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 4(5), 1–17, 1964.
  2. Y. Nesterov, Introductory lectures on convex optimization: a basic course, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
  3. L. Lessard, B. Recht, & A. Packard, Analysis and design of optimization algorithms via integral quadratic constraints. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 26(1), 57–95, 2016.